White Lion Restorations Home Page KIMBA COLLECTIBLES are at the White Lion Shop!
All are genuine, most are vintage and one-of-a-kind!
There's also Kimba cels, artwork, manga, and much more!

Kimba Running Kimba The White Lion Kimba as seen in various shows

Kimba was born of wild parents but he also lived with people for some time while he was a cub. When he returned to the wild, he had a dream of uniting people and animals in peaceful co-existence.

Has your heart been won by the white lion? Then...
Kitty Welcome! 

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Kimba and Roger


Kimba The White Lion is a wonderful, captivating series. When first shown in America, it was praised universally for its stories of love, compassion, and strength of character. For me, the most wonderful thing about it was its message of understanding for all life, for the need for unity between humans and animals. Kimba The White Lion has a heart and soul that has awakened and strengthened a love for animals in millions of people. This is a show that deserves to be seen by every person in the world.

And the bridging the gap between humans and animals aspect of the Kimba story can happen in real life:
Take a look at the true story of Christian the lion.

This site has information about all the different appearances of Kimba The White Lion on TV and in the movies, but the main focus is on the original Kimba. The original Kimba started on TV in Japan in 1965 as "Jungle Emperor", and came to the US in 1966 as "Kimba The White Lion" This series has now had two different runs on TV (in English); 27 years elapsed between the two runs and the soundtrack was changed for the more recent run on TV. This makes things a little confusing, since people naturally want to know about the version of Kimba that they have seen. Since the stories and the drawings were the same both time, a lot of what you see on this site applies to both versions. When I need to refer to one or the other, I will use the term "original" or "1966 version" for the first Kimba, which had Billie Lou Watt playing Kimba, and "re-dubbed" or "1993 version" to refer to the newer Kimba, with Yvonne Murray as Kimba. When possible, I will use the logos from each show to make things clearer:
1966 version of Kimba
1993 version of Kimba

To show you what I mean by all this, lets...
Bucky Deer

Sing along with the Kimba theme!

1966 Kimba logo
Click here for the original Kimba theme.
1993 Kimba logo
Click here for the 1993 Kimba theme.

The ORIGINAL Kimba is available on DVD.

Picture of the moment,
subject to change whenever the mood hits me.
This one is from the "Leo the Lion" series.
Click on the little picture to get the full picture.
click for the big picture

If you're new... or looking for memories...  click here
for some background info and pictures.

Pauly Cracker

For those who want all kinds of details:
click here for A History of How Kimba The White Lion was Brought to TV in the 1960s

Dan'l Baboon

Things You Can Download

Here are three pages of Kimba pictures, music, and video clips:
A page of pictures.
A music box full of songs.
RealVideo files.
Video files, old and new.

Click here for All kinds of Kimba stuff you can buy!



Theme Song
The Story
All About Kimba
The Other Kimba Shows
Missing Episode!
Lion King?


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At the White Lion Shop:

Kimba (and the sequel, Leo The Lion) on DVD and VHS!

Kimba Collectibles!

Kimba Cels!

Kimba Manga!

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This Kimba the White Lion WebRing site is owned by
Kimba W. Lion.

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"Kimba", "Jungle Emperor", and associated characters and music copyright by Tezuka Productions, Mushi Productions, Titan Productions, and/or Isao Tomita.
Original graphics and text on this site copyright by Craig Andersen.

This page first appeared in 1999. Updated August 28, 2012.